ADS Developing data flow diagrams | site economics

Developing data flow diagrams

 on Thursday, October 27, 2016  

Data flow diagrams can and should be drawn systematically. Figure 7.2 summarizes the steps involved in successfully completing data flow diagrams. First, the systems analyst needs to conceptualize data flows from a top-down perspective. To begin a data flow diagram, collapse the organization’s system narrative (or story) into a list with the four categories of external entity, data flow, process, and data store. This list in turn helps determine the boundaries of the system you will be describing. Once a basic list of data elements has been compiled, begin drawing a context diagram.
Here are a few basic rules to follow:
  1.  The data flow diagram must have at least one process, and must not have any freestanding objects or objects connected to themselves
  2.  A process must receive at least one data flow coming into the process and create at least one data flow leaving from the process.
  3. A data store should be connected to at least one process.
  4. External entities should not be connected to each other.
Creating the Context Diagram
With a top-down approach to diagramming data movement, the diagrams move from general to specific. Although the first diagram helps the systems analyst grasp basic data movement, its general nature limits its usefulness. The initial context diagram should be an overview, one including basic inputs, the general system, and outputs. This diagram will be the most general one, really a bird’s-eye view of data movement in the system and the broadest possible conceptualization of the system. The context diagram is the highest level in a data flow diagram and contains only one process, representing the entire system. The process is given the number zero. All external entities are shown
on the context diagram, as well as major data flow to and from them. The diagram does not contain any data stores and is fairly simple to create, once the external entities and the data flow to and from them are known to analysts.

Drawing Diagram 0 (The Next Level)
More detail than the context diagram permits is achievable by “exploding the diagrams.” Inputs and outputs specified in the first diagram remain constant in all subsequent diagrams. The rest of the original diagram, however, is exploded into close-ups involving three to nine processes and showing data stores and new lower-level data flows. The effect is that of taking a magnifying glass to view the original data flow diagram. Each exploded diagram should use only a single sheet of paper. By exploding DFDs into subprocesses, the systems analyst begins to fill in the details about data movement. The handling of exceptions is ignored for the first two or three levels of data flow diagramming.

Diagram 0 is the explosion of the context diagram and may include up to nine processes. Including more processes at this level will result in a cluttered diagram that is difficult to understand. Each process is numbered with an integer, generally starting from the upper left-hand corner of the diagram and working toward the lower right-hand corner. The major data stores of the system (representing master files) and all external entities are included on Diagram 0. Figure 7.3 schematically illustrates both the context diagram and Diagram 0. Because a data flow diagram is two-dimensional (rather than linear), you may start at any point and work forward or backward through the diagram. If you are unsure of what you would include at any point, take a different external entity, process, or data store, and then start drawing the flow from it. You may:

  1.  Start with the data flow from an entity on the input side. Ask questions such as: “What happens to the data entering the system?” “Is it stored?” “Is it input for several processes?”
  2. Work backward from an output data flow. Examine the output fields on a document or screen. (This approach is easier if prototypes have been created.) For each field on the output, ask: “Where does it come from?” or “Is it calculated or stored on a file?” For example, when the output is a PAYCHECK, the EMPLOYEE NAME and ADDRESS would be located on an EMPLOYEE file, the HOURS WORKED would be on a TIME RECORD, and the GROSS PAY and DEDUCTIONS would be calculated. Each file and record would be connected to the process that produces the paycheck.
  3. Examine the data flow to or from a data store. Ask: “What processes put data into the store?” or “What processes use the data?” Note that a data store used in the system you are working on may be produced by a different system. Thus, from your vantage point, theremay not be any data flow into the data store.
  4.  Analyze a well-defined process. Look at what input data the process needs and what output it produces. Then connect the input and output to the appropriate data stores and entities.
  5. Take note of any fuzzy areas where you are unsure of what should be included or what input or output is required. Awareness of problem areas will help you formulate a list of questions for follow-up interviews with key users.

Creating Child Diagrams (More Detailed Levels)
Each process on Diagram 0 may in turn be exploded to create a more detailed child diagram. The process on Diagram 0 that is exploded is called the parent process, and the diagram that results is called the child diagram. The primary rule for creating child diagrams, vertical balancing, dictates  that a child diagram cannot produce output or receive input that the parent process does not also produce or receive. All data flow into or out of the parent process must be shown flowing into or out of the child diagram.
The child diagram is given the same number as its parent process in Diagram 0. For example, process 3 would explode to Diagram 3. The processes on the child diagram are numbered using the parent process number, a decimal point, and a unique number for each child process. On Diagram 3, the processes would be numbered 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, and so on. This convention allows the analyst to trace a series of processes through many levels of explosion. If Diagram 0 depicts processes 1, 2, and 3, the child diagrams 1, 2, and 3 are all on the same level.

Checking the Diagrams for Errors
Several common errors made when drawing data flow diagrams are as follows: 
  1. Forgetting to include a data flow or pointing an arrow in the wrong direction. An example is a drawn process showing all its data flow as either input or output. Each processtransforms data and must receive input and produce output. This type of error usually occurs when the analyst has forgotten to include a data flow or has placed an arrow pointing in the wrong direction. Process 1 in Figure 7.5 contains only input because the GROSS PAY arrow is pointing in the wrong direction. This error also affects process 2, CALCULATE WITHHOLDING AMOUNT, which is in addition missing a data flow representing input for the withholding rates and the number of dependents.
  2. Connecting data stores and external entities directly to each other. Data stores and entities may not be connected to each other; data stores and external entities must connect only with a process. A file does not interface with another file without the help of a program or a person moving the data, so EMPLOYEE MASTER cannot directly produce the CHECK RECONCILIATION file. External entities do not directly work with files. For example, you would not want a customer rummaging around in the customer master file. Thus, the EMPLOYEE does not create the EMPLOYEE TIME FILE. Two external entities directly connected indicate that they wish to communicate with each other. This connection is not included on the data flow diagram unless the system is facilitating the communication. Producing a report is an instance of this sort of communication. A process must still be interposed between the entities to produce the report, however.
  3. Incorrectly labeling processes or data flow. Inspect the data flow diagram to ensure that each object or data flow is properly labeled. A process should indicate the system name or use the verb-adjective-noun format. Each data flow should be described with a noun
  4.  Including more than nine processes on a data flow diagram. Having too many processes creates a cluttered diagram that is confusing to read and hinders rather than enhances communication. If more than nine processes are involved in a system, group some of the processes that work together into a subsystem and place them in a child diagram
5. Omitting data flow. Examine your diagram for linear flow, that is, data flow in which each process has only one input and one output. Except in the case of very detailed child data flow diagrams, linear data flow is somewhat rare. Its presence usually indicates that the diagram has missing data flow. For instance, the process CALCULATE WITHHOLDING AMOUNT needs the number of dependents that an employee has and the WITHHOLDING RATES as input. In addition, NET PAY cannot be calculated solely from the WITHHOLDING, and the EMPLOYEE PAYCHECK cannot be created from the NET PAY alone; it also needs to include an EMPLOYEE NAME, as well as the current and year-to-date payroll and WITHHOLDING AMOUNT figures.
6. Creating unbalanced decomposition (or explosion) in child diagrams. Each child diagram should have the same input and output data flow as the parent process. An exception to this rule is minor output, such as error lines, which are included only on the child diagram. The
data flow diagram in Figure 7.6 is correctly drawn. Note that although the data flow is not linear, you can clearly follow a path directly from the source entity to the destination entity.  next page A data flow diagram example
Developing data flow diagrams 4.5 5 eco Thursday, October 27, 2016 Data flow diagrams can and should be drawn systematically. Figure 7.2 summarizes the steps involved in successfully completing data flow di...

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