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Characteristics of a Mission Statement

 on Tuesday, May 24, 2016  

Characteristics of a Mission Statement 
A Declaration of Attitude
A mission statement is more than a statement of specific details; it is a declaration of attitude and outlook. It usually is broad in scope for at least two major reasons. First, a good mission statement allows for the generation and consideration of a range of feasible alternative objectives and strategies without unduly stifling management creativity. Excess specificity would limit the potential of creative growth for the organization. However, an overly general statement that does not exclude any strategy alternatives could be dysfunctional. Apple Computer’s mission statement, for example, should not open the possibility for diversification into pesticides or Ford
Motor Company’s into food processing. appeal to, an organization’s diverse stakeholders, the individuals and groups of individuals who have a special stake or claim on the company. Thus, a mission statement should be reconcilatory. Stakeholders include employees, managers, stockholders, boards of directors, customers, suppliers, distributors, creditors, governments (local, state, federal, and foreign), unions, competitors, environmental groups, and the general public. Stakeholders affect and are affected by an organization’s strategies, yet the claims and concerns of diverse constituencies vary and often conflict. For example, the general public is especially interested in social responsibility, whereas stockholders are more interested in profitability. Claims on any business literally may number in the thousands, and they often include clean air, jobs, taxes, investment opportunities, career opportunities, equal employment opportunities, employee benefits, salaries, wages, clean water, and community services. 

All stakeholders’ claims on an organization cannot be pursued with equal emphasis. A good mission statement indicates the relative attention that an organization will devote to meeting the claims of various stakeholders. The fine balance between specificity and generality is difficult to achieve, but it is well worth the effort. George Steiner offers the following insight on the need for a mission statement to be broad in scope:

Most business statements of mission are expressed at high levels of abstraction. Vagueness nevertheless has its virtues. Mission statements are not designed to express concrete ends, but rather to provide motivation, general direction, an image, a tone, and a philosophy to guide the enterprise. An excess of detail could prove counterproductive since concrete specification could be the base for rallying opposition. Precision might stifle creativity in the formulation of an acceptable mission or purpose. Once an aim is cast in concrete, it creates a rigidity in an organization and resists change. Vagueness leaves room for other managers to fill in the details

A Customer Orientation
A good mission statement describes an organization’s purpose, customers, products or services, markets, philosophy, and basic technology. According to Vern McGinnis, a mission statement should (a) define what the organization is and what the organization aspires to be, (b) be limited enough to exclude some ventures and broad enough to allow for creative growth, (c) distinguish a given organization from all others, (d) serve as a framework for evaluating both current and prospective activities, and (e) be stated in terms sufficiently clear to be widely understood
throughout the organization.

A good mission statement reflects the anticipations of customers. Rather than developing a product and then trying to find a market, the operating philosophy of organizations should be to identify customers’ needs and then provide a product or service to fulfill those needs. Good mission statements identify the utility of a firm’s products to its customers. This is why AT&T’s mission statement focuses on communication rather than on telephones; it is why ExxonMobil’s mission statement focuses on energy rather than on oil and gas; it is why Union Pacific’s mission statement focuses on transportation rather than on railroads; it is why Universal Studios’ mission statement focuses on entertainment rather than on movies. A major reason for developing a business mission statement is to attract customers who give meaning to an organization.

The following utility statements are relevant in developing a mission statement:
Do not offer me things.
Do not offer me clothes. Offer me attractive looks.
Do not offer me shoes. Offer me comfort for my feet and the pleasure of walking.
Do not offer me a house. Offer me security, comfort, and a place that is clean and happy.
Do not offer me books. Offer me hours of pleasure and the benefit of knowledge.
Do not offer me CDs. Offer me leisure and the sound of music.
Do not offer me tools. Offer me the benefits and the pleasure that come from making beautiful things.
Do not offer me furniture. Offer me comfort and the quietness of a cozy place.
Do not offer me things. Offer me ideas, emotions, ambience, feelings, and benefits.
Please, do not offer me things.

Mission Statement Components
Mission statements can and do vary in length, content, format, and specificity. Most practitioners and academicians of strategic management feel that an effective statement should include these nine mission statement components. Because a mission statement is often the most visible and public part of the strategic-management process, it is important that it includes the nine
characteristics as summarized as well as the following nine components:
1. Customers—Who are the firm’s customers?
2. Products or services—What are the firm’s major products or services?
3. Markets—Geographically, where does the firm compete?
4. Technology—Is the firm technologically current?
5. Concern for survival, growth, and profitability—Is the firm committed to growth and financial soundness?
6. Philosophy—What are the basic beliefs, values, aspirations, and ethical priorities of the firm?
7. Self-concept—What is the firm’s distinctive competence or major competitive advantage?
8. Concern for public image—Is the firm responsive to social, community, and environmental concerns?
9. Concern for employees—Are employees a valuable asset of the firm?
Characteristics of a Mission Statement 4.5 5 eco Tuesday, May 24, 2016 Characteristics of a Mission Statement  A Declaration of Attitude A mission statement is more than a statement of specific details; it is...

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